Tips To Write Your Own Wedding Vow

In your wedding ceremony, there are two things that make your marriage official. The first one is the exchange of wedding band. The second one, without any surprise, is the wedding vow. Your wedding vow reflects the love to your spouse. Some couple may choose to use the standard vows provided by church or other officials. Some other couples, on the contrary, may decide to write their own vows. This article will give you some tips when you are writing your own vow.

Confirm that you can use your own vows before your write it

You have to firstly confirm that you can use your own vows in your wedding ceremony. You need to consult the minister or registrar before you make the decision to write. It is certain that you have to use the standard vows if it is not allowed to use your own vows. It will be unwise to spend so much time on writing it and eventually you are not allowed to use or read it.

Write it from your heart

The best vow is a vow which tells your true feeling and story. When you are reading the vow, you are telling all the guests, and most importantly your spouse, about your true feeling. You have to bear in mind that you are not an actor in a movie and you do not need to make it like a touching story. The most touching story is a true story that expresses your feeling and love to your spouse.

Recalling the good old memories

You can recall some memorable stories. For example, if one of your friends helped you in your love affair, you may try to mention it in your vow. The advantage of doing this is that your vow can help to make a connection between your guests and your marriage. And at the same time it is also a way to say thank you to your guests.

Try to be humorous

When you decide to write your own wedding vow, it is assumed that the vow will not be an extremely formal one. You can be humorous when you are writing vow. You should bear in mind that reading a wedding vow can be quite boring to the guests. As a result a sense of humor may continuously draw the attention of them. Of course you will also need to read it with that sense of humor.

Practice reading the vow

It is always true that practice makes perfect. You will need to practice reading the wedding vow before your big day. It will be a pity if you have written a beautiful vow but you cannot read it smoothly.

Start writing the vow as early as possible

Concerning the time to write the vow, there is no doubt that it will be prefect if you can start to write once you confirm that you can use your own vows. You will certainly need some time to research and revise the vow. It will not be a good idea to write it in a rush. You should at least leave two to three months for yourself to write and revise the vow.

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