Wedding Traditions

The dreamed about wedding is soon to take place. Have you ever thought about all the traditions that are involved in most weddings? Do you know where those traditions come from? Here are a few that we know about.

Have you ever heard of the old saying: "Something old, something borrowed, something new, something blue, and a penny in her shoe"

This is an old rhyme that comes fro the Victorian age, and was used then as it is now for most traditional weddings and brides.

Although many of today's brides still use this old tradition, many of us don't know why we use it.

What Does this Old Rhyme Mean?

When the rhyme refers to something old, it means that the couples friends will remain true throughout the marriage. Traditionally the brides wear their mothers pearls, or some other form of jewelry. Sometimes she will use a prayer book, veil or handkerchief.

'Something new" means the future health, success and happiness and is usually carried out by the bride with the use of her bouquet, dress or some other form of dress.

Using "something borrowed" signifies good luck and must be returned to the lender. "Something Blue" means fidelity and constancy in your marriage and also brings luck. This tradition comes from Ancient Israel. Brides used to wear a blue ribbon in their hair, which meant commitment. Brides usually wear a blue garter, or even pin a blue ribbon on the inside of the dress.

The penny was a six pence in Victorian times and it signifies good luck and wealth within the marriage. Many brides even save the coin after their marriage to pass on to their daughters.

Now lets get to the most traditional part of the brides attire, the wedding dress. Why are wedding dresses white? After all that is not a traditional color. In fact, in ancient times women just wore their best dress, which was usually red or even yellow. Later during biblical times, women would wear blue, which signified virginity and purity. The first white dress was not worn until the sixteenth century. Today the white wedding dress signifies to us, and to most of the world virginity and purity, and represents a joyful event. The traditional veil is a very romantic accessory of today, but in ancient times it was a way a woman showed her sexual modesty. Today it is a beautifully romantic and very feminine gesture and accessory.

Lets not forget the traditional rings. Engagement rings were an invention of the medieval times and symbolized the intentions of a couple to marry. Diamonds are the traditional stones, because in ancient Greece the diamonds fire, reflected the love a man had for a woman. They also believed that the diamonds were small pieces that fell from the stars. The wedding band represents unending love and comes from beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. Wearing it on the third finger began because of an ancient belief that states that the vein in that finger leads to the heart.

Different Traditions in Different Parts of the World

In Japan women traditionally wear white because it is the color of mourning, and believe that it is appropriate because the bride is leaving one family to join another.

In other parts of the world women are given a small chest of coins as a symbol that she will never lack for anything.

Although in most countries it is traditional that the groom not be allowed to see the bride in her wedding gown before the wedding. Other countries have different variations of this tradition. For instance, in Ireland the bride is not to see her entire reflection while wearing the gown because it is supposed to bring bad luck.

Even the day you get married on is said to be traditional. It is said that if you get married on a rainy day, you will have lots of children. Ancient tradition would make a bride wake in the morning and face the sun, the intention was to bring happiness into her future life. Traditions are just that, customs and family traditions, they are nice to include, but not required, and if you do not feel comfortable with any of the normal traditions, then leave them out.

There are many different wedding traditions all over the world. Some are similar to those of other countries, and some are totally different. The most important thing to remember whichever traditions you decide to keep, and whichever ones you decide to toss out the window, is that you are starting a new life with someone, and it is a time to celebrate that joining of two lives that are forming into one family.

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