So you're getting married? Congratulations. You've got plenty of wedding planning in front of you, and decisions to make. And one of those decisions is about your wedding invitations.
Remember that the first impression that your guests get about your planned wedding is the moment they open your wedding invitation. And for some it may even be the first time they know you're getting married if you've kept it a little quiet.
So your wedding invitation has quite a role to play in your wedding. And some people, when they open up the letter and take out the invitation, will make up their mind about coming right there. So you want a wedding invitation that makes a good first impression.
The best piece of advice I can give you about buying your wedding invitations is to do so after you've got some basic wedding planning in place. It's important, for example, to have your wedding theme in mind when choosing your invitations.
It's important that your wedding theme be reflected in your invitation. For example if the bride and groom are gardening enthusiasts and want to have a wedding with a garden theme then wedding invitations with images of flowers or gardens would make a fine first impression about your wedding theme, but invitations with boats, or example, wouldn't.
So do some simple wedding planning first, and once you know more about your basic wedding theme, then choose your invitations.
And think about your workding too. You want the wording of your invitation to reflect your wedding theme and your own hopes for how the day will be.
And there's some other things to think about too. Should you use electronic wedding invitations? There are some people now happy to use electronic wedding invitations, particularly those amongst us a little younger.
However I'd advise against using electronic wedding invitations. Although they have one major advantage, being cheap, they also have disadvantages. There will always be some people who will find an electronic wedding invitation a little tacky. Or a lot tacky. Even some of the younger members of the community have a strong sense of the traditions of weddings, and may well find receiving an electronic wedding invitation to be a little disappointing.
If you're on a budget and considering electronic wedding invitations because they are cheap there are always ways to find great looking cheap wedding invitations way cheaper than at the prices you'll find for invitations from wedding stores.
Online wedding invitations are very cheap, if you buy in the right place, and they aren't cheap looking tacky invitations either. There are some very good wedding invitations available online way cheaper than you'd expect.
So when it comes to wedding invitations remember. Do some planning before you choose your invitations, including what wording you want. Think of your theme, and how you would like your proposed wedding guests to feel the moment they see your invitation. Avoid electronic wedding invitations, despite the fact that they are cheap.
And if you're on a budget, and who isn't these days, buy your wedding invitations online. You'll be surprised at the cheap wedding invitations you can find online.
Wedding Invitations Explained. How to Make the Best First Impression
Minggu, 16 November 2008
Minggu, November 16, 2008
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Wedding Invitation
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