5 Handy Tips on How to Survive Your Wedding Photo Shoot

A photo shoot is often something we want to get over with so that we can get back to our guests and get the party started! With that being said, the photo shoot is not something you want to go through half heartedly. By investing time and effort in this you will create lasting memories of your Big Day (and the guests will wait for you - they are not going anywhere!). To survive your photo shoot I would suggest you pack yourself a goodie-bag that would carry you through your photo shoot and the rest of your day - you can ask your maid of honour or a bride's maid to keep this bag of miracles close-by.

Tissues and wet wipes
A session like this can be quite time-consuming and as a Very Important Person (if not the most), you want to be prepared to get through this and still look like a million dollars! Tissues and wet wipes will come in very handy when it feels like you are melting away - a great tool for damage control!

Touch-up make-up
Standing around with a permanent smile while the sun is beating down on you is no joke, but at least you can ensure that you look absolutely beautiful while doing it. Pack some touch-up make-up, especially lipstick and powder to take away any shine left by the weather (or your nerves).

Brush and clips
The weather (wind) or just going through the motions might have an unpleasant effect on the hair style you spent so much time on - more additions to your goodie bag would be a brush and extra clips or hairspray (if needed).

A colourful sarong that can double up as a prop or a dark blanket to keep your dress clean while striking a pose would be a wise add-on. Ask your photographer whether he/she will be providing these items, if not pack them yourself. This will be used whenever you need to sit down (or get creative) in an open field, on a beach etc.

Bottled water and snacks
The bride is usually way to nervous to eat something before the ceremony and way to busy mingling to have something after the photo shoot. Pack some light snacks to have in between shots, like nuts, a banana and a bottle of still water (cheese curls and Fanta Grape would be a bad choice!)

With this life-saver goodie bag by your side, you are now geared for any unforeseen events. Take a deep breath, bum in, bosom out and smile!

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